2018 Kindergarten Children – OLA

Arrival & Departure from KT OOSH Services:

All Kindergarten Children will be escorted to and from KT OOSH Services by two educators each morning and afternoon to ensure they get to their classrooms and KT OOSH safely.  This will also mean that for the first four weeks, kindergarten children will not go into the playground unless specifically requested by their parents.

The central kindergarten area where the kindergarten children will be collected from will be co-ordinated in conjunction with with the school regardless and close to their classrooms.

Dropping off at KT OOSH each morning:

Please do not hang around the centre at drop off as this only distresses your child.  a quick kiss and drop is best.  Please direct your child straight to an educator and ensure the educator is aware of their arrival before departing.  If you are worried about your child then please feel free to text the centre mobile and ask how they are doing.  We will contact you if your child is distressed or having issues settling in.

What Kindergarten Students Need in their Bag:

ALL kindergarten children should ALWAYS have in their bag two spare pairs on underwear and a pair of socks in case of accidents.  KT OOSH Services will charge $3.00 per item for any issued items as we do not expect them to be returned due to hygiene reasons.